Thursday, 17 Nisan, 5784
  |  April 25, 2024

What’s With Rabbi Braun?

Rabbi Yossi Braun was elected two months ago as the third rov in Crown Heights but controversy and rumors are in the way. Full Story

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End in sight?
November 25, 2010 1:09 am

There’s really no end to this..NO ONE can solve a problem if the parties don’t want it solved. Rabbi Heller is quoted as saying in reference to signed contracts that “if the person is trustworthy, you don’t really need it, if not it won’t hep.” Same thing here…all the rabbonim and wise men and zablas aint gonna solve nothin…time for all of us to learn Kuntres Heichaltzu in a serious manner.

November 23, 2010 6:38 pm

well said.!!!

November 22, 2010 11:12 pm

i’m a shamed to read those you want rabbi braun and at the same time disrespect a rov, who was elected and gebentshed by the Rebbe. you guys obviously don’t want a rov to respect. (or maybe you would as long as he follows your meshugasim).

November 22, 2010 11:08 pm

if you the community needs Rabbi Braun because the teens and youth need him, you should hire him as a “youth director”.

Starting with The Va'ad Hakohol
November 22, 2010 4:55 pm

B”H We are putting together an amazing team to eliminate the problems in Crown Heights…
Starting with the Rosh Va’ad Hakohol Zakai Tamir, and they are getting very scared, so they begin tomake issues with r’ Braun…
But keep it up Zakai, we are lucky to have someone like you! B”H

93 Non Crown Heightser
November 22, 2010 2:42 pm

I couldn’t agree more. Keep opining! As a matter of fact. Semicha or not i think you have the capabilities of being on the Beis Din. Keep up the good work

Sad situation in CH
November 22, 2010 1:51 pm

as an outsider it’s pretty amazing to see how CH elected a “Rav” that they know very little about and without considering the financial ramifications of doing so. The mishichist mentality is so dominant that you will skip a super-qualified Rav in R’ Bogomilsky, who had very little added costs to the community to bring out a virtual unknown from Australia that will burden the communtiy with hundreds of thousands of dollars of additional costs. The fact that a city of thousands of lubavitch chassidim couldn’t muster even 2 local candidates is pathetic.

Inda Know
November 22, 2010 1:37 pm

To #108: You are basically correct about Rabbi Osdoba’s failure to possess Yodin Yodin at the time of his election. I would not call this a Mecak Taos (decision made in error) although some report that Rabi Osdoba himself has called it so in applying this to Rabbi Braun’s election (I have not seen such an opinion by Rabbi Osdoba myself). If, however, Rabbi Osdoba has issued such an opinion, regarding the election performed pursuant to the psac din of Rabbi Rosenberg’s zabla bais din (in which Rabbi Osdoba was one of the LITIGANTS), what does this say about a… Read more »

can you read Hebrew?
November 22, 2010 12:33 pm

בס”ד. הנני בזה להגיד לאדם ישרו, האי צורבא מרבנן ביודעיי ומכיריי קאמינא, ה”ה הרה”ג הרב יוסף ישעי’ שליט”א ברוין אשר נטל עליו עול ההוראה והתמיד בלימודו ומצא כדי מדתו מדת חכמים וכו”כ פעמים נו”נ עמו בגפ”ת ופוסקים והשתעשענו יחד בשעשועין דאורייתא ומצאתיו כי ידיו רב לו בגפ”ת ופוסקים ומלא הוא בדבר ד’ זו הלכה ובסוגיות הש”ס ושכלו ישר וחריף לאסוקי שמעתתא אליבא דהילכתא. וידי תיכון עימו להיות מורה הוראה בישראל להורות ולדון ולסדר גו”ק כדת של תורה ככל מורים שבישראל. לזאת כל מן דין סמוכו לנא להלבישו באיצטלא דרבנות יורה יורה ויכול להתקבל לרב ומו”ץ בכל תפוצות ישראל ומובטחני שכל… Read more »

Breaks my heart...
November 22, 2010 11:27 am

Here is a Rov that is willing to come and help the community out of its current problems, and all we get is comments against him. This can only be the work of the Satan is getting very nervous about the good things, this special Rabbi will do for the community. He will bring new chayos into the yiddishkeit here. Enough with the negativity already.

November 22, 2010 10:04 am

This is no question a smicha not only a regular smicha it’s a special private semicha. I’m sure Rabbi Tzinner already spoke with Rabbi Rosemberg and told them the truth.

November 22, 2010 2:20 am

For those who could not be bothered to read the clear text signed by Rav Tzinner (Copy and paste this link to view the entire text https://collive.com/files/0.30051395139_567838.jpg) here is the pertinent section in Hebrew (with Aramaic). I hope the Hebrew text comes through. If this is not semicha, then pray tell what is semicha? Here is the text : וידי תיכון עימו להיות מורה הוראה בישראל להורות ולדון ולסדר גו”ק כדת של תורה ככל מורים שבישראל. לזאת כל מן דין סמוכו לנא להלבישו באיצטלא דרבנות יורה יורה ויכול להתקבל לרב ומו”ץ בכל תפוצות ישראל Nice try, Mr. ColLive reporter to… Read more »

Obama's Birth Certificate
November 22, 2010 12:33 am

While they’re at it let’s see Obama’s birth certificate too.

to 109 both brothers Rabbi's Yacov and Isaac Schwei are on the video
November 22, 2010 12:20 am


Rabbi Yacov Schwei – our Rov – is at 8:37
Rabbi Isaac Schwei – is at 7:41

but it was a nice try on your part, to try to distort clear facts

the real tragedy in this story...............
November 21, 2010 11:07 pm

the children of the community are the losers. synicism wins again. how many kids will fall out as a result of this latest blood letting, how many?

enough tragedies
November 21, 2010 10:29 pm

let the matter be handled by Rabbi Rosenberg–stay out of machloikess!!! Rabbi Braun is a human being! Not a celeberity of Hollywood to make games from!

What did the Rebbe say!!
November 21, 2010 10:24 pm

The rebbe said this in regards to the Alter Rebbe and the Misnagdim who opposed him, and in regards to Reb Shach when he R’L opposed the Rebbe…

That Whne something so great is about to happen ( by the Alter ZRebbe Spreading Chassidus, by the rebbe Mivtza tefillin) there wqill always be someone against it..
I’m not Chas v’Sholom comparing any of our holy rabbonim to the latter, but I hope and daven that there will be complete achdus between ALL OF THE RABBONIM and IY”H it will reflect on the community…

To #11
November 21, 2010 10:08 pm

Why show it to every one? if its a fake smicha the Zabla will say so.

Non sense
November 21, 2010 8:26 pm

He wants a salary free touition for his kids free tickets here and house just get bogomilsky for free

November 21, 2010 8:22 pm

I think this website is wrong in giving ppl an opportunity in talking about a rov

Rabbi Mattis Kantor, Eastern Parkway, NY
November 21, 2010 7:23 pm

There are many “red herring” arguments being thrown around, and/or used as shields behind which to hide the facts. One such herring (actually it is probably the red Matjes herring) is the wild swinging paintbrush that my motivations are really based on not having been… whatever. It is time for public disclosure: The following are my qualifications: Yoreh Yoreh – yes; Shimush hilchos Nashim – R.Moshe Bick A”H (5738-40) Gittin – Bais Din L’Avreichim (R.Leibis Landesman). Yadin Yadin – NONE Shimush in Yadin Yadin – NONE 5th Chelek Shulchan Aruch – Boki (and this comes from the most humble person… Read more »

אין חדש תחת השמש
November 21, 2010 7:21 pm

# 40 and # 101 you are right!
but unfortunately: אין חדש תחת השמש

November 21, 2010 6:54 pm

enough! your all fighting like babies ,RABBI braum was accepted to tis position …..ever heard of hasgacha pratos.this is something hashem decided should happen who are you to say well we dont have money for him or he doesnt have smicha or we should just fire him???? just think about that before you comment!

Donald Rumsfield
November 21, 2010 6:28 pm

I said it once, but I’ll say it again: “Everyone has a right to develop his/her own opinion; that does not give everyone the right to develop their own set of facts.” As an outsider I see the following facts: a) One Rabbi called Braun presented a document, through supporters etc., in order to qualify for the 4 conditions of nomination. b) This candidate did not meet two of the criteria for qualification. Age (40+) and a timely nomination (before the established deadline.) c) An election was held, and this Rabbi won by 100+ votes (or 1%). d) The election… Read more »

November 21, 2010 5:32 pm


After reading all of this....
November 21, 2010 4:52 pm

I wonder: why in the world would ANYONE want to be a rav in Crown Heights? Anyone?

You people bite off the heads of all your leaders, and then cry that you are leaderless.

Everyone one is a deya zoger, everyone is a politician, everyone is a macher.

Like the story with Eliyahu, a community of a thousand leaders is no community at all….

G-d have mercy.

why is this not Semicha???
November 21, 2010 4:01 pm
Regarding the video in Montreal about Rabbi Schwei's Smicha
November 21, 2010 4:01 pm

The video shows Rabbi Isaac Schwei receiving his Smicha not Rabbi Yaakov Schwei.

Stay home
November 21, 2010 3:43 pm

The Loosers are all those that ran for a Rabbi that they knew NOTHING about, actually they knew that he knows how to text. A Rov that will lead the CH community for the rest of his life must be someone that everyone has looked into NOT someone who the community has never known with one week notice. and BTW Rabbi Braun wants a NICE salary lets put it that way. The CH ppl dont have the money to keep a Rabbi like this going meaning there will be a couple individual who will raise the money aka mendy hendel… Read more »

November 21, 2010 3:10 pm

Why would someone from the other side of the world even be running for a local election here in CH?

you are trying to challenge our already taxed community
November 21, 2010 3:03 pm

oh please, this is just more power play. someone opens a new store and the other person tries to ruin their business even though he is in another area of CHts. And now this? Go back to elementary school and you’d get a time-out for this garbage. Why are you all trying to do the opposite of what the Rebbe wants for us. He wants A C H D U S. Do any of you know what that is, and does anyone know how to conduct themselves? Does ANYONE know that winning a particular issue THEIR way is not what… Read more »

Playing with Fire is very Dangerous
November 21, 2010 2:54 pm

To cause Machlokes or even to just pour a little bit more OIL on the FIRE of MACHLOKES IS VERY DANGEROUS for onself and FOR EVERYONE within reach. It’s time to wake up and STOP IT!!!!!!!! GEVALD HAS EVERYONE LOST THEIR MINDS????? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!

Crown Heights, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!
November 21, 2010 2:25 pm

It so sad, seeing the same thing happening Rov after Rov! It is always the same people, they fought Rabbi Marlow They, fought Rabbi Heler, They fought Rabbi Ozdba, they fought Rabbi Schwei and now they are trying to fight Rabbi Braun as well!!! How long are we going to put up with this behavior?? It is up us now to put a stop to this, ARE WE GOING TO PUT UP WITH THIS ANY LONGER???? We need to stand up for the Rebbe holy Mosad “The Crown Bais Din” for once and for all!!! It’s up to every one… Read more »

Osdoba had no (Yodin Yodin) Semicha when he was "elected"
November 21, 2010 2:08 pm

According to the letter by Rabbi Zirkind who testifies what Semicha Rabbi osodba DID NOT HAVE: Osdoba had no Semicha for Yodin Yodin when he was elected. Ohh…but he has Yoreh Yoreh? So what (that’s NOT VALID to make Din Torah’s which is the ENTIRE point, for which he was elected for.? Osdoba’s Yoreh Yoreh is worthless for the purposes of his election – Osdoba was NO QUALFIED at the time of his election and only became qualfied after he was elected. Osdoba was NOT elected for his Yoreh Yoreh. Osdoba was elected for his Yodin Yoidn and OSDOBA HAS… Read more »

community resident
November 21, 2010 1:53 pm

My suggestion is, until Braun can prove his eligibility, Mendel Hendel and Rabbi Rosenberg can address their shaalos to Braun. In the meantime, we will direct our shaalos to Rabbis Shvei, Osdoba, Segal, Zirkind and Raitport until we have a new non fraudulent election.

I am also beginning to sense that this Zabl”a messed up royally. How can they let all the credentials required to serve as rov remain unverified by an applicant and approve his candidacy regardless?

'Milsa D'Avidy Ligluy...'
November 21, 2010 1:48 pm

They are – unsuccessfully – trying to lure Rabbi Brrun into ‘proving’ his credentials in the public arena and make himself look foolish in the eyes of the public. Rightfully, and I would say very smartly, he is wise enough not to engage publicly in these types of matters and communicates only with the proper and rabbinic authorities (i.e. the Zablo Beis Din). A rov doesn’t need to prove he is a rov to very child on the street! Process that! There are the proper and respectable venues/forums for this. That COLLIVE is giving room for this type of smearing… Read more »

Will they ever rest?
November 21, 2010 1:39 pm

It seems like some people in this Shchuna will never ever stop doing all that is in their power in be 100% sure that there will never be normalcy in our midst. They cannot live with the idea that a 3rd Rov was elected – a rov that they don’t have any manipulation power over. In other words: someone that can put them out of business…

So they are doing everything in their power to undermine this. (Hashem will not let them succeed in their evil and vicious ways….)

November 21, 2010 1:35 pm

If you can comprehend Aramaic and Hebrew, have read the letter from Rabbi Tziner and will tell me it is not Semicha, then that leaves only to say you are wrong. Unless Rabbi Tziner claims that his signature was forged – the content of the letter is CLEAR SEMICHA. And by the way, Rabbi Broun produces SEVERAL different semichos to Rabbi Rosenberg’s and the rest of the Beis din!!! He does not have to lower himself and prove his credentials the some ‘shmendrik’ on the street. Rather ONLY to respectable Rabbonim. In this case: the Beis Din in charge of… Read more »

Empire Blvd. Resident
November 21, 2010 1:33 pm

He sounds like Obama that claims he’s born in America but refuses to produce a birth certificate. Reb Yossi Braun, what are you hiding? I’m not giving a penny towards your salary unless you show us your semicha. I don’t care about showing it to Rabbi Rosenberg, he’s not paying your salary, we are! A bit of transparency is in order.

Chachmei Chelm
November 21, 2010 1:29 pm

Most of what is written here sounds like all of the legendery Chachmei Chelm got a new place to express themselves.
Most of the article and the comments are based on pure speculation and “boich sevoros.” Sorry it’s not intended to insult anyone. But why gues and speculate. The matter will iy”h shortly be clarified.

Growing Pains
November 21, 2010 1:02 pm

We need not chase the glory and the heights where we once stood but rather focus on what we can be, and will be. In the end we will be “something” what that something turns out to be is a direct reflection of what we decide to invest today. May our comments turn into action.

Wrong man
November 21, 2010 12:56 pm

Broin has not fulfilled any of the conditions set fourth for a rabbi. He is not 40 years old, he does not have Smicha, and he has not been approved or endorsed by any rove who knows him.

Mistakes can be corrected.

It was wrong to bring someone and expect us to make a Eisenhower decision for the coming fifty years within ten days about an anonymous man.

November 21, 2010 12:07 pm

many of you have made up your minds. if he was straght or not it dont seem to make a diffrence. but to me and many others it dose. lets not forget this is a ROV not a CHJCC we are electing for 3 years. its for life. to have a man who has a repetation as making Machlokos and bring him here to C’H dose not seem rite.

r bogomilsky is in
November 21, 2010 12:03 pm

if broin was not honest how can he serve as a rov. so now that we see who he is. nest on line is r bogomilsky. so lets crown RABBI BOGOMILSKY as a rov. no salary negochations needed. no tikets to pay. he knows and has more expreance then broin will ever have. hes got guts. and we need it. so lets all have Achdus and take 1 of our own

sore losers
November 21, 2010 11:55 am

when he produces his smicha…the sore losers will say it was photoshopped and not genuine…there was a election…the unexpected happened…move on…and accept hashgocha protis….

I can give him smicha
November 21, 2010 11:22 am

I can give smicha t Rabbi Braun and end of story

strong reaction to Rabbi Braun
November 21, 2010 10:45 am

before real positive change,
the satan has to get his chance to stop it.
I”H Rabbi Braun will come
and I”H the change will help to bring balance here.
May Hashem give him the koach,
and us the ability to keep him here.

What about Europass???
November 21, 2010 10:36 am

Why doesnt` he go to rabbi euroslavski and get his smicha as esy as 123 if he is anyway such a big talmid chacham???

Non Crown Heightser
November 21, 2010 10:31 am

It is with some benefit to have the appellation of non crown heightser to be able to opine from a somewhat objective view of being in the schunah at times, and being without in order to maintain an objective perspective. It seems that what the community needs is there to be collective respect for the new Badatz as a whole where anash perceives that there is unity so that the Badatz can have some type of influence upon all community issues and avoid the constant fragmentation up until this point in time. Having had the benefit of reading 26 comments,… Read more »

most ridiculous!
November 21, 2010 10:28 am

You insult collive’s readers intelegence by reporting such nonsense. Obviously this comes from the loosing side who don’t know how to lose with honor and dignity. A real shame.

Sore losers
November 21, 2010 10:09 am

He was elected by the majority and he is the third rov of ch. People are just trying to make machlokis. He is a great talmid chacham and will be a great rov for everyone. This is the sitra achra trying to stop a good thing and some of you are falling for it. When Rabbi Braun comes you will see this was one of the best things to happan to ch.

Put up or Stay home
November 21, 2010 10:03 am

Every day that passes that Rabbi Braun doesn’t clear up this situation is further proof that this whole election, like the one before it, is all about politics and has NOTHING to do with providing this community with a workable,functional bais din.

Rabbi Schwei’s peoples idea of due diligence in this election process was to find another political hack to further their agenda for power. In the meantime we say ti’hilim for their victims.

1 big j/k
November 21, 2010 10:01 am

had the vadd had time they could have lookt into the fact if bron has smicha or not. they rusht him in with a weeks notice. no one had a chance to find out who this guy is. r. bogmilsky every one knows him no one need time and yet he still was givin time that ppl can chalnge his run for rov. so shway side got what they want. a big mess and let it stay like before. nothing change

Put up or Shut up
November 21, 2010 9:53 am
way to go zaki
November 21, 2010 9:35 am

keep up the good work. we all know its a major uphill battle but we are all behind you and supporting you

November 21, 2010 9:22 am

I’m sure he can get the “euro pass” in no time if need be….

Why does he need Smicha?
November 21, 2010 8:41 am

Braun only needs to know how to use a blackberry and other digital media and be “mentor” for the young people in Crown Heights… That’s why he was elected, no?

November 21, 2010 8:33 am

lets work on building our comm-unity.

He has Smicha
November 21, 2010 8:23 am

I saw it.

what a shame
November 21, 2010 8:21 am

Get rabbi braun here asap. He was elected… Wa are waiting for him.

why has he not
November 21, 2010 6:47 am

why has he not shawn his smicha to rabbi rosenberg yet???
or the VAAD since he will be signing a contract with them at least?

November 21, 2010 6:47 am

Rabbi Schwei was from the first musmachim in Montreal. there is a video of him receiving smicha. and Rabbi Osdoba was chosen with Rabbi Marlow O”H ..

Didn't we have enough tragedy's???
November 21, 2010 6:00 am

Why do we need to look under the table for reason to disqualify Rabbi Braun

a slander campaign
November 21, 2010 4:28 am

we all heard the rumors spread by those opposing Broin.
first Broin eat c”v on tishe Bav
then he is demanding 2 million dollars in the bank, a new house…
no Dayanus.. oops rabbi ozdaba didnt have either.. well okay then, no Smicha.. oh he showed one… lets go to tzinner to convince him…

with people like this no wonder Rabbi Broin doesn’t trust us.

Sinas Chinam
November 21, 2010 3:34 am

If you have read the comments thus far, would you please abstain from writing comments that advance machlokes. Don’t justify sinas chinam with non-Jewish (Western, that is Aisav) ideas like, “People have a right to know” “Its a free country” “Free speech” etc. We are Yidden, and using this forum to ignite additional hatred amongst Yidden is not the way Yidden should behave. Also, you realize surely, that your comments are here for the entire world to see and will either make a kiddush Hashem or r”l the opposite. This comment is the second nefesh Elokis facing-off with your nefesh… Read more »

Something is not quite kosher here
November 21, 2010 2:43 am
Price of Machlokes
November 21, 2010 2:18 am

Rabbi Braun is paying the price now for the Machlokes he created in Australia, as Pirkei Avos states “Al deatfech atfuch vesof metafayich etufun” Veda”l.

Rabbi Schwei's Smicha
November 21, 2010 1:33 am

You can see a video of Rabbi Schwei getting his smicha in 1955 in Montreal

This is baloney
November 21, 2010 1:28 am

Read Rav Tzinners letter, if that is not semicha, then what is????

Say it as it is
November 21, 2010 12:50 am

A Rov was elected.
Some people didn’t like it so they are fighting.
When the lie about lack of Smicha fell apart, they claimed he doesn’t have yodin yodin.
This is not a requirement but they will try it anyway.
The other side doesn’t give up easily.

Please correct
November 21, 2010 12:24 am

Why don’t you correct your misstatements?

Apparently Rabbi Broun produces several different smichas! Why do you continue to circulate “old lies”? Please correct IMIDIATLY!

Also, did Rabbi Osdobo shlit”o have “yodin yodin” when he was elected as rov? The answer apparently is: NO.

To #1
November 21, 2010 12:13 am

Well put!

why cant he get semicha now???
November 21, 2010 12:05 am

you voted HIM in, and if he doesnt have semicha than let him go get farherd right now.
he didnt lie about his semicha. he presented the letter from Rav tzinner and people were free to interpret it the way they wished

November 21, 2010 12:00 am

the Crown Heights Community council did not pay a single dime for the Zabala, neither have they paid rabbi Rosenberg for the 3 sets of elections that he conducted and oversaw, even though it is clearly stipulated in the Psack.
so when you write and article try and be a little factual.

It's so sad...
November 20, 2010 11:41 pm

It’s so sad that the people who make up the Bais Din which is supposed to be a group of judges who could decide right from wrong and create peace amongst people are so busy arguing themselves….what has the world come to?

Clear as the daytime sky
November 20, 2010 11:30 pm

There is nothing confusing here. This seems to be an attempt to make something clear into something confusing!!!
I am sure he has Smichah.

why the continued Machlokes & trouble??
November 20, 2010 11:28 pm

Haven’t enough of Anash suffered? Can you not open your eyes & see what is the result of the Machloikes?? /how about in the mean time until The Braun Situation is straightened out asking R’ Bogomilsky to temporarily serve as the third Rav so we at least have a functioning Proper Bais din!

ch resident
November 20, 2010 11:27 pm

the certificate is not the main issue. Who is this Braun? What experience does he have? Who knows him? Why is he not showing his certificate? Why was there just a quick campaign and then we elected an unknown for life? Why is he demanding so much money for the job? And for 7 years the funds should be put away for him? Why are we such fools? Why are we hookwinked from Mendel Hendel?

Abir shebeabirim
November 20, 2010 11:23 pm

i think this year we are celebrating this wonderfull concept of electing rahbonim and i could just see how wounderfull the future looks with these elected rahbonim

November 20, 2010 11:18 pm

All three rabonim of the prior beis din had smicha

but booth rabbi marlow and rabbi asdoba only had YOREH YOREH only rabbi heler had YODIN YODIN.

but they were big rabonim doing big things!

To Crown Heights
November 20, 2010 11:12 pm

You guys are a bunch of loser, next time look into the rov you elect, You cant trust mendy hendel…………..

November 20, 2010 11:10 pm

I really dont understand this.
He is undoubtedly a tamid chacaham par excellence.
What does semicha have to do with it.
It is well known that every bachur who can read without nekudos can get semicha very easily.

November 20, 2010 11:08 pm

so WHY THE HECK would people vote for HIM??!!?

November 20, 2010 10:43 pm

Just take the smicha test. I’m sure you’ll do fine.

hey to #1
November 20, 2010 10:43 pm

rabbi osdoba name was given in to the rebbe with 2 other rabbonim and from whom they have semicha

Stop the rumours...
November 20, 2010 10:41 pm

This is such baseless lies.

Rabbi Braun has been leading a congregation in Sydney for several years.

Do you think they would have hired him if he didn’t have smicha? Are people so naive to think Rabbi Braun would run for Beis Din if he didn’t have smicha?

I am sure Rabbi Braun has smicha even from non Lubavitch rabbonim.

close friend of Rabbi Braun
November 20, 2010 10:36 pm

stop showing disrespect to Rabbi Braun ; He is an exceptionally great person and Rov !!!

November 20, 2010 10:27 pm

We all know that Mendel Hendle is trying to take over Crown Heights, he is telling rabbi Schwei what to do and what to say!
You can not have a Bais Din with MENDEL HENDEL running the show!!! someone needs to deal with this big problem!

Good Going Zaki!
November 20, 2010 10:24 pm

Now everyone knows that you are busy with all the issues facing the community- long after they’ve gone to sleep.

im mad
November 20, 2010 10:04 pm

who are these arrogant people that play around with us like were pet cats
give us our rabbi that we voted for!!
all these people rabbis activists should leave us alone and go away

Birther Movement
November 20, 2010 10:03 pm

Will this start a Certificate movement

Abir Sb'abirim אביר שבאבירים
November 20, 2010 9:54 pm

Rabbi Braub is the SAME Abir Sb’abirim
אביר שבאבירים
as Rabbi Ozdoba.

what a circus
November 20, 2010 9:46 pm

this whole thing is a circus for someone looking from outside the community. a real shame no matter what happens!

to # 1
November 20, 2010 9:38 pm

Rabbi Osdoba (and rabbis Marlow and Heller) had already shown his (their) Smicha to Rabbi Eliezer Zinkind, and he wrote to the rebbi his findings. The Rebbe requested that the candidates show their credentials.
Rabbi Eliezer Zirkind was the one in charge of the first rabonim`s election, he was the one that communicated with the Rebbe in all matters of the election.

Rabbi Mattis Kantor, Eastern Parkway, NY
November 20, 2010 9:35 pm

Thank you for the responsible reporting on this issue, with a full disclosure of information, rather than just suggestion and innuendo. For further “transparency”, my questions here are: 1) There appears to be a claim that Rabbi Tzinner was pressured by the “other side” to withdraw his smicha. Can anybody please add an explanation as to how a written (and photocopied) document can be withdrawn? 2) The same question applies to Braun’s supporters (promoters, what have you) who claim he has a smicha, but is afraid to show it to anyone, lest the person that gave it be pressured to… Read more »

why oh why
November 20, 2010 9:27 pm

What is the matter with you all.? Can’t you get anything straight? Does there always have to be controversies and pirud levovois? Crown Heights has become the laughing stock of Jewish communities. Chabad is all about ahavas yisroel and outreach yet we can’t even help ourselves.!!

to #1
November 20, 2010 9:20 pm

just because we did a mistake does not mean we should make another one

to#1 y?
November 20, 2010 9:14 pm
Rabbi Zinner's semicha?
November 20, 2010 9:12 pm

“…letter was not an actual Smicha certificate…”

Please, someone who can read and comprehend rabbinical Hebrew, please show me how rabbi Zinner’s letter is not semicha?

see link to letter in the article

I am shocked!
November 20, 2010 8:52 pm

I am shocked that in these days when our community is suffering from so many tragedies you publish articles to increase machloikes! Editor, please read below what the Rebbe has to say about the responsibility of a journalist: Chanukah, 5715 [1954] …A man’s influence is generally limited, either to his immediate environment, his family and friends, or if he is a teacher or lecturer, to a wider circle. The journalist, however, whose words and thoughts enjoy wide currency through the printed word, enjoys a much greater influence; he is less limited in space, since the printed word travels far, and… Read more »

November 20, 2010 8:40 pm

A wonderful idea. I like it. A valid Semicha certificate must be examinable on request from whomever is a Rov on a Beis Din. Like a Kesuba. If it is destroyed the couple cannot live together– until a valid one is written.
If all three Rabbonim are asked to put their cards on the table, at least one of the confusions will be laid to rest.

Why in public?
November 20, 2010 8:38 pm

As this article indicates, these allegations are CURRNTLY before a beis din of 5 rabbonim, lead by Rabbi Rosenberg. What exactly are we trying to accomplish by publishing this article? We know that a written Psak is due in the beginning of THIS week regarding this and many other issues related to the original psak – how to force its implementation etc., so why are we washing our dirty laundry in public? Are we trying to build the respect and authority of the Beis Din? 5 Rabbonim – chosen by both sides! – will tell us if these allegation are… Read more »

Laaniyas Dayti
November 20, 2010 8:35 pm

At the Seder table, late in the night (early in the morning) a simple guest was asking his equally simple host “What is the meaning of the Chad Gadya” song”

Having no formal knowledge, the peasant host used his common sense, all of what was available to him after 4 cups of wine.

“Look,” he said, “it’s past midnight and this goat was sold for a mere 2 Zuz? Something doesn’t sound right here.”

really hope
November 20, 2010 8:34 pm

if R Braun does not serve as 3rd rov, then the elections were a joke, and go learn the klal regarding the vaad hakahal…

great letter Zaki
November 20, 2010 8:28 pm
lethim get smicha - NOW!
November 20, 2010 8:15 pm


November 20, 2010 8:08 pm

why would he leave his community?

Rabbi B
November 20, 2010 8:05 pm

If you have the Doc’s Show it. If not you are a player like all the rest. Stay where you are. How ever if there are no Doc’s say the truth you may actually be respected & accepted for being up front

November 20, 2010 7:48 pm

Recently there was a video online of a Smicha ceremony in Montreal and in the video one can see Rabbi Schvei as one of the bochurim who were part of the group receiving Semicha.

he does have smichah
November 20, 2010 7:46 pm

i was told by a close source that rabbi braun got smichah in kiryat gat.

November 20, 2010 7:44 pm

I HAVE A BRILLIANT IDEA!!!!!!!!! The community desperately needs Rabbi Braun. Our youth can really use him . It is a shame not to bring him. I am sure that he knows the dinim to pass a Semicha test. I for one am ready to help cover the costs involved with getting Rabbi yuroslavsky testing him and giving him Semicha . This will clear up all the politics and our youth will have a strong Rov, which we all really need

make up your mind
November 20, 2010 7:40 pm

its funny how before the election, when rabbi Broin showed his Smicha , his opposition came screaming that no one should mistake it as a recommendation from rabbi tzinner “its only his smicha” they said.

see here comments 34 and 53

now all of a sudden its just a recommendation…

BTW “Yore Yore” is the loshon of smicha, so that sure looks like smicha to me, if rabbi tziner removed it do to pressure, i can surly understand why he wouldn’t want to show another one

Shimush Issue!!!
November 20, 2010 7:35 pm

Besides for Semicha issue, the fact that he has no Shimush from Rabbonim is a worse problem!


November 20, 2010 7:31 pm

re rabbi osdoba (along with rabbi marlow and rabbi heller at that time) he has cleared his hurdle regarding smicha you may check with rabbi eliezer zirkind who took care of such and informed the rebbe that such has been produced and is in good standing … regarding rabbi schwei i have no idea if he has produced his smicha to anyone

rabbi osdobo did not have Dayonus when he was elected Rov!
November 20, 2010 7:25 pm

there was a vaad of people that were showed his Smicha (not Dayonus) and they in turn informed the public, so shall be done now

Can somene please tell me
November 20, 2010 7:20 pm

how will they pay him?
why would he come here?
why do we need him?

November 20, 2010 7:13 pm

He won not by CLOSE to hundred votes he won by OVER 100 votes to be exact 107 votes over 51%.

hakina hataava vihakavod
November 20, 2010 7:13 pm

a gute vuch everyone- now at such a hard time for klal yisrael we should be united and not find a reason why to disqualify someone and fight-the time has come to do teshuva and bring unity into our community-it is the midst of the chasidish elul-we should all learn igeres hatshuva and bring moshiach now!!!!!!!

I can't wait till rabbi Braun comes
November 20, 2010 7:12 pm

The best rabbi won and all you sore losers will just have to live with it. I wonder what the next stupidity they will soon come up with?

its all Nisht shaich
November 20, 2010 7:04 pm

what a shame, this is starting to sound like the ballot controversy with the presidential elections.
Are we really such sore loosers that we have to go and dig up dirt and question another persons background ???
Doesn’t look good folks!!!

Horav Schwei has Smicha gievn in a public ceremony
November 20, 2010 7:02 pm

Here is the link to the Semicha ceremony when Horav Yaakov Schwei recieved his Semicha certificate.

To comment #1 this childish comment has no place here.

November 20, 2010 6:55 pm

Just take Rabbi Bogomilsky , He said he would be a Rev part of the Bais Din without the Vaad needing to give him a salary.

To Rabbi Rosenberg
November 20, 2010 6:42 pm

Thank you rabbi rosenberg for not vetting the candidates beforer the election instead you just shoved the election on us with 2 weeks notice
New elections and this time let us vet the candidates before we have to vote.

Withdraw from the bais din
November 20, 2010 6:39 pm

If he has simcha show it if not withdraw from the bais din and spear adding more shame for this community

November 20, 2010 6:39 pm

to produce a secret semicha?
is this a joke?
can he get semicha now?
I think that only in CH can hapens something like this

oy vey
November 20, 2010 6:38 pm

more politics!

No Simcha No Rov
November 20, 2010 6:37 pm

NO Simcha No Rov period

This article is obcene
November 20, 2010 6:31 pm

A Rav (or Rav-to-be) in our community should always be referred to as Rabbi X never just by his last name. Rabbi Rosenberg has indicated that his Zabla Beis Din will issue a clarification, but the only “finger-pointing” is being coming from a few desperate people who cannot accept the results of an election (like the author of the article you link to and all the disgusting comments there).

what a joke
November 20, 2010 6:29 pm

In Lubavitch ( the city) flrgt men zogen that a semicha certificate is a certificate of am’ eratzos. Do you really think that he hasnt learned yore deah? ask any bochur with a euro pass (yeruslavsky semichah) how well they knew the chomer! I dont live in ch and definately amnot aligned with hendel and co. but I spent time in Sydney and this guy could really really learn. To nit pick on alackof certificate is crazy…

I don't understand
November 20, 2010 6:23 pm

Why is this an issue now, they’re paying crazy money to a Zabla to work out the Rabonim issue in our community and they couldn’t verify something as basic as a Smicha?
How could this have happened, this is making a mockery not only of our community but more importantly of Rabonim and the whole Beis Din system.
Can someone explain this, it’s starting to look like a puppet show.

Why not show it to everybody?
November 20, 2010 5:41 pm

“People will pressure the one who gave the Smicha to withdraw it the same way they did with Rabbi Tzinner.”

Poor excuse, if it is a real Smicha there will be no reason to withdraw it, Rabbi Tzinner said that it was not a good Smicha because it was not, if he has a valid Smicha then it will stand.

Impossible achdus in the CH community
November 20, 2010 4:36 pm

We all know that they are also many rumors concerning who gave smicha to the Rebbe. Some say it’s the Rogatchover Rov, but it has never been proved till today, and other say it’s another Rav. So should we doubt the capability of the Rebbe? The same with the Beis Din Rabbis, Rabbis Schwei and Osodoba. Who gave them smicha? How many people are able to answer that question? Concerning R’ Braun, some people are making pression and making up rumors to discredit him, because they didn’t want R’ Braun to win the election. If R’ Bogomilsky were the winner,… Read more »

November 20, 2010 2:48 pm

its just an exucse, when he will show his Smicho Osdoba will find another exucse, MARK MY WORDS!!!

November 20, 2010 2:00 pm

If his name is RABBI Braun and he’s the leader of the Tzemach Tzedek community, then obviously he has smicha!

November 20, 2010 12:40 pm

Please, Grow up and admit you lost.

Rabbi Braun will be Rov, and i for one am happy to have a new Rov.

Stop acting like children.

November 20, 2010 6:51 am

rabbi braun will stay here in sydney 🙂
and he’ll actually be appreciated unlike in crownheights!

why dose he need a certificate?
November 20, 2010 6:51 am

he is knows evrything, I ask him sha’alos all the time, he has a wealth of knowelege in poskim sha’alos uteshevois. He is an amazing Rov,

Toshev of the Sydney community

To 1
November 19, 2010 4:32 pm

And if they do? And I’m sure they can.

November 19, 2010 4:18 pm

the Losers are just making and adding Machloikes!
Rav Broin was elected! accept it!

another bs story
November 19, 2010 4:17 pm

people in this community will always try their best to screw up!!

November 19, 2010 4:09 pm

Please have Rabbi Schwei and Rabbi Osdoba also produce their semicha certificates.