Thursday, 4 Adar II, 5784
  |  March 14, 2024

School Visits Mosque For Outing

Israeli TV exposed an organization which took Jewish children to a mosque as a school outing and had them kneel and pray. Full Story

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To #3
March 25, 2017 3:48 am

I’m sorry but the rambam IS Halacha, and anoxia Hashemite elokecha is not contradicting this . They believe in 1 god

March 23, 2017 9:33 am

Read the Yad lAchim case files. There is PLENTY of evidence of coercion! Oh, not at first. Initially it’s a “love story” of a Jewish girl meeting a ‘nice’ moslem guy on a “multi-cultural” exercise such as the one in this article. But then, he takes her ‘home’ to his village and the abuse and confinement begin … hoyo lo tihyeh!! These ARE the FACTS.

o my o my
March 23, 2017 8:43 am

this is horrible beyond words. the goal here to show israelis you can live with these people encouraging asmilation rachmono litslan. what you are arguing avoda zoro etc is not relevant here, this is to promote assimilation!!! and geting funded byan israeli fund. the is called A NEW WAY organization, these israeli freihacks are the worst for the idden, Hasehm yerachem and bring them back to the fold!!!

Number 19
March 23, 2017 7:37 am

You miss point
No one with any sense would defend this yoyos taking children to Mosques It is beyond stupid
All I was addressing was the avoida zorah part. The. Hishtachavei Islam prostrate to Almighty no one else They are not ….. leHevel voRick.
Those kids, Jewish, were prostrating no worse than Lehavdil on Rosh HaShono. Yom Kippur Avoida is a totally different Kavono

March 23, 2017 5:19 am


to 1
March 23, 2017 12:18 am

It may not be avoda zora, but for yidden it’s definitely apikorsus, as they don’t hold of the Torah. According to you, what was bad about Shabsai Tzvi choosing Islam over death?

Number 2
March 22, 2017 11:47 pm

If there was any evidence that Arab men were practicing coercion to these Israeli girls you would be right
The girls voluntarily date and marry these guys
Educate by all means but remain true to facts

Number 5
March 22, 2017 11:20 pm

The Rambam said that because it is fact
Islam prostate identical with levavdil same intention as Jews do on rosh hashana
They believe totally in monotheism
The poskim I quoted are mainstream in Eidah HaMizrach

What's the big deal
March 22, 2017 11:08 pm

A secular school teaching understanding between people, by being distant it only creates assumptions and friction.

My question is did they also bring the Muslim kids the the synagogue to learn more about Judaism.

Another concern is are these Jewish kids being given enough of a Jewish educational backbone.

Continuation of Previous Comment
March 22, 2017 11:06 pm

… The beliefs of Islam themselves are permitted for a non Jew).
However non of this pertains to Jews, as far as Judaism is concerned there is just as much a prohibition to practice Islam as there is for Christianity and the same obligation to die rather than worship holds true for both.

Distinction is Irrelevant Here
March 22, 2017 11:02 pm

There is indeed a distinction between Christianity and Islam in that Christianity is considered per our tradition as avodah zarah and Islam is considered shituf i.e. a lesser form of avodah zarah, nevertheless that distinction is only relevant to their respective permissability as they pertain to non Jews, in that Christianity is entirely prohibited and Islam is technically permitted for a non Jew to practice (although in truth Islam is also prohibited for reason of it being a religion, the Belarus

To 1 3 and 5
March 22, 2017 9:01 pm

I agree with 5 however there is a much bigger problem here! THE NEXT STOP CAN BE A CHUR..!!! Terrible terrible terrible.

Modern day 'Mordechai'
March 22, 2017 8:58 pm

Notice child in red sweater…. Sitting upright, refusing to bow down!!!

This is ridiculous
March 22, 2017 8:51 pm

What the heck! Would they be sent on an outing to a shul I can assure not and if they were there would be a whole uproar this is outrageous!!!!

Even though it's not avodah zara
March 22, 2017 8:40 pm

We do not educate our selves and especially not our children with other peoples religion. And we do not practice it even as a gesture. Very simple.

Yad lachim
March 22, 2017 8:36 pm

Please donate. If anyone can fight this it’s them, but they need our help. Give, give, give

March 22, 2017 8:26 pm

I don’t understand why are people okay with this, why would any yid want to go to a mosque and pray like they do

delusioned battered wife syndrome
March 22, 2017 8:00 pm

arabs please like me… what should I do to avoid making you upset that I exist. woe to those that say bad is good and good is bad. darkness is light and light is darkness bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter yidden where is your gaon yakov

This is terrible but...
March 22, 2017 7:51 pm

It’s not assur to enter a mosque because they believe in the one G-d, that’s who they bow to.

in answer to 1 and 3
March 22, 2017 7:39 pm

yes 1 you are correct… but there is a background story as to why the Rambam said that. 3… Islam is not considered avodah zara, so you do not have to die for it. that doesnt mean its ok, it just means you dont have to die.

March 22, 2017 7:32 pm

What has happened to us yidden!!!!! How can someone even consider to enter such a place and do that?!?!?!?! I just don’t get it! And yes, agreed with #3

To comment #1 Are you kidding me?!
March 22, 2017 7:09 pm

How do the aseras hadibros start again? Oh yea ANOCHI HASHEM ELOKECHA! Oh and what are one of the 3 mitzvos you’re supposed to get killed for rather then transgress hmm I wonder Oh and while we’re at it how many millions of Jews throughout our thousands of years of existence have given up their lives Al Kiddush Hashem saying better to die then to bow to idols, starting from avraham avinu being thrown into the fire till the Holocaust?! How are you possibly defending this? Don’t bring a few opinions that are not even halacha and then stretch that… Read more »

@ #1
March 22, 2017 6:44 pm

This is an issue of assimilation foremost, not necessarily avoda zara. Do you know what Yad Lachim deals with? Jewish girls who marry moslem men and are thereafter held captive .. and more horror stories like that!

March 22, 2017 5:43 pm

Be aware that the Rambam does not consider Islam avoida zorah
Rav Masssas does not consider negiah of wine by a Muslim waiter staam yaayin
One contemporary Posek even reckons one can DRINK brandy and wine produced by Moslems
No one chas veSholom should take my ditty here as Halocho my sole point is “don’t get all hot under the collar”