Thursday, 17 Nisan, 5784
  |  April 25, 2024

1800 Dead in Nepal Earthquake

1800 dead after a massive earthquake rocked Nepal with devastating force on Shabbos. Shluchim Chezki and Chanie Lifshitz, rescuing hundreds of Israelis: "it is a really difficult scene here." Full Story, Photos, Video

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Periscopical View
April 27, 2015 5:09 pm

After seeing the comforting message in #10, i would say that what happened at Yetzias Mitzrayim where Hashem punished their idols by destroying them(Parshat Bo,12,12 Rashi) before Geulas Mitzrayim, is taking place now in Nepal, in spite of the grief that has befallen the country. To explain, we know that this country is steeped in avodah zarah r”l.So as a result of the massive earthquake, the buildings including their temples were utterly destroyed!. May this be a forerunner of the advent of Moshiach,as we say in Aleinu 3 times daily: (english only) “And therefore we hope to You, L-rd our… Read more »

to #10
April 26, 2015 8:37 pm

Thank you for the thought. It was really uplifting.

April 26, 2015 5:25 pm

I agree with no. 11, so many people died and lost their homes and a lot of people are not accounted for yet, including the Isrealis

to #2
April 26, 2015 6:51 am

what do u mean “i hope everyone is okay”? 1800 ppl died and a lot more are injured!

April 26, 2015 4:43 am

Its not zaka its binyomin netanyahu sending 2 makeshift hospitals.

On a positive note
April 26, 2015 3:41 am

According to Rabbeinu Chanannel in Gemarrah Brachos 59a
an earthquake is caused when Hashem sees the troubles that the Yidden have in galus ,He sheds two large tears which fall into the Yam Hagadol.Rabbeinu Chanannel goes on to comment,that Hashem is then filled with compassion towards His People and will end their suffering in galus.He will ingather all the dispersed of Israel and bring them back to Eretz Yisroel to their former glory,with the coming of Moshiach!

To all:
April 26, 2015 1:12 am

You Can Donate thru chabad.org

Donation link to Chabad Katmandu Nepal
April 26, 2015 12:37 am
How can we donate
April 25, 2015 11:48 pm

Please someone setup a link with a PayPal account t or something so people can help out

oy hashem!
April 25, 2015 10:50 pm

Let’s all davven for only good outcomes.

Refuah shalayma
April 25, 2015 10:32 pm

So sad to hear of such a loss of life. Hoping that all the Israelis will be quickly accounted for and reunited with their loved ones very soon.

How can we help?
April 25, 2015 10:29 pm

Please provide link to donate

April 25, 2015 10:05 pm

i can not beleave it i hope every one is ok

How can we donate??
April 25, 2015 9:37 pm

To chabad of nepal